August 22, 2006

From Ricardo deSouza:

Re: Human-an­i­mal mix­ing go­ing too far, re­port says (Aug. 9): I think most of the rea­sons for the ob­jec­tions still have re­li­gious over­tones. As you have stat­ed - an­cient greek and ro­man my­thol­o­gy had hy­brid man-an­i­mal (or fish) life. In­deed today- Hin­dus and Bud­dhists still wor­ship half man-half an­i­mal gods. Some of them be­ing Ga­ne­sha, garuda, etc. My point be­ing here- In­di­a as well as a host of bud­dhist coun­tries will e­ven­tu­al­ly car­ry out, and some al­read­y are car­rying out gene mix­ing as there are no eth­i­cal bar­ri­ers in this as­pect. In­di­an Hin­dus and most bud­dhists be­ing veg­e­tar­i­an are in a far bet­ter po­si­tion to ac­cept the cre­a­tion of hu­man -an­i­mal hy­brids. Coun­tries with strong Chris­tian, Judeo, Mus­lim cul­tures will al­ways re­sist this mix­ing of genes. How­ev­er, the win­ners as al­ways will be the spe­cies that sur­vived to ar­gue its case. Life is far too di­verse to re­spect self im­posed bound­aries and as in the Dar­win­i­an way, on­ly the fit­test life forms will sur­vive to e­volve on.


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