From David MacDonald:
Re: Math vs. vampires: vampires lose (Oct. 25): This is a cute lesson in exponential math but falls short for several reasons. First of all, you can’t prove that something supernatural can’t exist using math or science, since by definition the supernatural doesn’t obey these laws. Secondly, the classic vampires which are referred to (eg. Bram Stocker) are only created when a person drinks a vampires blood, not vice versa. Most victims of vampires are just drained of blood and eaten by the wolves. Dracula is described as feeding his future companions blood from his breast, in a morbid allusion to mother’s milk. And also, people can kill vampires too which would eventually keep the two populations in balance. In fact all they would have to do is kill the first one (with a Bowie knife?) and that would be it.
As for the ghosts the first argument still holds true. Also, ghosts are described as being able to walk through walls in spots where there were no walls during the persons life. The ghost simply follows the path the person did in life, so it could also walk through floors to as has been described in accounts of seeing ghosts submerged into a floor where the ground was lower during its life. Therefore there is no contradiction in terms of Newtonian physics here.
And for the zombie bit the authors could have saved themselves some time if they just watched the movie “The Serpent and the Rainbow”.