From Edward Medalis:
Re: Humans not just “big-brained apes,” researcher says (Aug. 22): The title of this article seems to be somewhat contradicted by the content of the article which focuses on brain differences and probable related behavior. Note the following phrases used within the article: “animal-human similarities”, animals are “so like us,” “they’re (meaning animals) really quite unlike us” These phrases tend to divorce the human animal from other animals by failing to make it clear that he is talking about the human animal. Considering the human as something other than an animal is common religious thinking.
Why is it “confusing” that human animal brains “have similarities in structure to other mammals”? Do to DNA evolution this sounds quite non confusing to me.
Then their is “most neuroscientists agreed with Darwin until recently”. I think that most neuroscientists still agree with Darwin that humans are animals and fit quite comfortably into the clasification of “big brained apes”.
Then, ”human brains” have “unique” “microscopic features,” “enhanced wiring,” “connectivity among nerve cells not found in any animal.” There it is again, words that deny we are animals. What’s his point? Or, perhaps I should ask, whats his real point?
It makes me wonder if psychologist David Premack has an “Intelligent Design” motive and is simply trying to discredit Darwin and infer that humans are not animals but some product of the supernatural.
One can draw all kinds of inferences from behavior but the buck stops at the DNA when it comes to defining what kind of animal we are from a physical biological perspective. DNA overlaps between species and behavior can vary widely within species and also overlap species.
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