December 22, 2007

From Robert Adler:

Re: Global warming to worsen malnutrition: report (Dec. 12): In light of all of what the world’s scientists are telling us about the perils of global warming and climate change, the aggressive “business as usual” stance of the current US administration is now putting the whole world at risk. With the US Congress unable to act effectively in the face of President Bush’s intransigence and a determined Republican minority in the Senate, it behooves the world community to act independently. I strongly support recent comments by European leaders saying that they will not attend the sham climate talks that the Bush administration wants to host unless the US joins the rest of the world in advancing the process started at Kyoto, rather than continuing to block real progress. I think it is crucial that someone, somewhere, calls President Bush’s bluff.

Robert Adler
Science Writer
Oaxaca, Mexico


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