February 24, 2008

From Juanita J. Rinas:

Re: A function for “gay genes” after all? (Feb. 8): Perhaps such a situation should be listed under Adjustment Disorder, due to social stigmatization... .

Considering that same sex coupling and relationships occur throughout the biological pantheon of beings, it is not a “disorder” has never been a “disorder” and is only stigmatized due to the incorporation of religious ideas that same sex relationships are an abhoration. Which has now been normalized through centuries of indoctrination in Westernized cultures. In many cultures where people live closer to thier natural habitat and fit more correctly in my opinion into the natural order of life on earth, those with gender bending qualities are often seen as gifted in some way, many of whom become the recipients of divine knowledge and wisdom teachings that set them on a shamanic path by which they also serve their people and community.

We each bring our gifts to the world in some way, time to begin looking for those gifts in others different than ourselves rather than ostracizing the differences in everyone.

Juanita J. Rinas, MA, LPC
doctoral student


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