March 02, 2009

From Stephen Mooney:

Re: Black hole “baldness” reflected in more everyday o (Feb. 24): As a consequence of my work in questioning many of the assumptions and theories of physics, I’ve discovered that the idea that blackholes could emit a low level of radiation, put forward by Stephen Hawking, is in fact the case. But in a rather surprising manner.

“As gravity is the product of the absorption of emission and not some magical attribute of matter, curved space, or the exchange of particles called gravitons, a star cannot collapse under its own gravity and form a blackhole, if physics really believed that gravity is caused by the exchange of gravitons, it would have given up on the idea of stars collapsing into blackholes by now. Mind you, if they have detected first stage stars they would have detected blackholes and assume that they’re the result of a collapsing star. How would you detect a first stage (blackhole) star? By the absence of light? As the emission passing near a first stage (blackhole) star would be bent through interacting with its emission field, could this be detected? Or, what about the emission field around the first stage star itself emitting a low level of detectable emission (radiation). Yes, Stephen Hawking was right after all.” From the essay, “Debunking Physics and Inventing the Paradigm of Science”, located here.


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