June 27, 2009

From nic kle1 23@m sn.com:

Re: Dark matter doubters not silenced yet (Aug. 2, 2007): What kind of an experiment would need to be done to test for MOND in the lab? Could it be detected within a vacuum bell setup or would the earths gravity, solar system, galaxy etc. still have an effect on the assumed results. Is any testing possible here [earth] or is deep space the only realistic environment for proof?


Anonymous Edward N. Haas said...

"Esoptrics, The Logic Of The Mirror" is the name I give to the cosmological theory I've been working on now (at 73) for 52 years. It's perhaps primary goal is to give at least some level of serious evidence that time, space, space's occupants, and locomotions such as that of Earth around the Sun, are not continuous, which is to say are not infinitely divisible. Esoptrics seeks to do that by developing a cosmic model which, while being far from complete, matches the current model on enough points to produce two results, namely: (1) to give a mathematically precise, adequate explanation of how time, space, its occupants, and locomotions like that of Earth's orbit could be finitely divisible and could take place in a cosmos which is logically rather than physically extended; and (2) to create much suspicion that time, space, etc., might indeed be finitely rather than infinitely divisible. Once one understands how Esoptrics explains what logically extended time-space is, it becomes possible to explain how matter could appear to be dark without actually being so. That's because Esoptrics says time-space is composed of as many as 2^385 strata (The exact # depends upon whether you're at the center of the universe or a galaxy custer or a galaxy or a solar system or a planet) each of which roates (and moves thru time) at a discrete rate and rotates around some one of a great many different, logically established, focal points. That being the case, not every burst of light moves thru the universe at the same time-space level, and, if some burst of light moves thru the cosmos at a level to which our planet does not have access, that particular burst of light will not be observed either by our senses or by any of our earthly instruments. If I understand Esoptrics correctly, the further one goes from the center of the Earth or of the solar system, the greater should be the occurrences of so-called "dark" matter. That's because, the further one goes from the center of our planet, the greater are the number of time-space strata available to locomotion, and the further one goes from the center of our solar system, the greater still is the number of time-space strata available, and the further one goes from the center of our galaxy, etc.. Hope this makes some sense to you!

June 27, 2009 6:58 AM  
Blogger bluewest said...

Thanks for the response to my question, even though it has been hard for me to conceptualize the complete meaning of your ideas in relationship to measurement for a MOND experiment. Are you saying that it is more an issue of perception and point of view as to why we think we are witnessing What we think we see or don't see? I would like further clarification on logically extended space-time. This whole idea of Esoptrics is new to me and difficult to understand!

July 27, 2009 1:35 PM  

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