December 16, 2009

From J.Moorcroft:

Re: Light from a cosmic “dark age” (Oct. 28): how big was the Universe when it was 5 percent. of its present age? It always strikes me as contradiction to think that the more distant the object, the longer light takes to get to Earth (which I accept as true) but at the same time that the further back you go in time, the closer to Earth the object was (which must also be true given the proven Doppler effect).


Anonymous Charles Weber said...

Most astrophysicists think that the furthest stars we see are about 13 billion years old given a big bang. They must actually be well over 25 billion years old when we see them though, since it took them well over 13 billion years to get out there. Of course they are even older than that now where ever they are. It looks discouraging for us ever going out there to shake hands with little green men (or lobsters, or something) given those distances.

However, there is no guarantee that there was a big bang. The cosmological red shift may have be an interaction with masses passed in space more likely than a Doppler affect (see )

December 16, 2009 1:29 PM  

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